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At Simply Skyn Organics, we are committed to providing our customers with the best possible service. Our Customer Care section is where you can find information about our services and how to contact us with any queries or concerns. We believe that building trust with our customers is paramount, which is why we have created a detailed Customer Care policy.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to help!

Privacy & Safety


​At Simply Skyn Organics, we take your privacy and safety seriously. Our Privacy & Safety policy outlines how we use, store, and protect your personal information. We use third-party banking services to verify payments, and we only collect data that is necessary to complete your order.

We value your privacy and will never share your personal information with third parties. If you have any questions about our Privacy & Safety policy, please contact us.


If you are interested in selling Simply Skyn Organics products, we would love to hear from you! Our Wholesale Inquiries section provides information on how to become a retailer. We pride ourselves on using only the highest quality ingredients and creating effective products that address common skin and hair issues.


If you have any questions about becoming a retailer or our products, please contact us.


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